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I need to lose weight. 5 ft 3. [Just]

Friday, January 21, 2011

The start.

Okay so.
At the end of November 2010, my (ex) boyfriend, broke up with me. It hurt. I realised that because our relationship was never really...all that great...my relationship with food had become disgusting. I used it as a comfort when he'd let me down. I used it when I felt unloved. Unwanted. So basically I ate like a pig all the time. I was 11 stone 7. and I was HUGE.

The diet began just as a loss of appetite. I was heartbroken. Didn't eat properly for weeks. When I realised I'd lost a stone...I decided that I should carry on...but eat healthy foods instead of nothing.

My heaviest weight was 11 stone 7...which is 161lbs? [oh. my. god.]
My weight after the initial break up weight loss was..10 stone 5..which is 145lbs [a bit better..]
My current weight is 10 stone 1 and 3/4's..141lbs

so thats like...20lbs lost? in 2 months..thats pretty cool I guess.
I want to be at heaviest 9 and a half stone.
to be 110lbs would be amazing though.
maybe I can get there. maybe.

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